We provide a stable, reliable and committed staff team all of whom are CRB checked prior to employment and at subsequent intervals.
Our staff team benefit from:
a comprehensive induction procedure
regular supervision
annual appraisal and training
an individual training development plan, combining formal NVQ training with a regular programme of training in areas such as mental health, safeguarding, health & safety, first aid, etc.
What our service users said about us in our last satisfaction survey:
100% said mental health improved
90% said physical health improved
90% said they enjoyed ownership of their support plan and goals
95% said life and daily living skills improved
80% said financial budgeting skills improved
80% were managing their medication better
65% reported improved cooking skills
90% said they saw move on as a potential longer term goal.
100% said they attend house meetings on a regular basis.
Some of the things service users said they liked the most – safety and security, peacefulness, mellowness, company of others, the facilities, freedom, space to relax, privacy, independence, staff understanding of problems and always someone to talk to.